29.11.2023 - 25.2.2014
Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Looking Through! - 15 years of the Diffring Award for Sculpture!
Zurab Bero, Andrea Boller, Yuni Kim, Louise Lang, Guillem Nadal, Sophia Pompéry, Ahmed Ramadan, Gary Schlingheider, Dorit Trebeljahr, Kyoeng Sub Yue, Jacqueline Diffring (1920-2020)
In 2007, the sculptor Jacqueline Diffring (1920- 2020) founded the Jacqueline Diffring Foundation in Berlin and since 2008, young artists have been honoured with the endowed Diffring Award for Sculpture. In future, this legacy will be continued at the Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz as the Jacqueline Diffring Collection (JDC).
We cordially invite you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at 6 pm.
Welcome: Heike Schmitt-Schmelz | District Councillor Elke von der Lieth | Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Introduction: Joachim Becker | Curator and board member of the Jacqueline Diffring Collection
Wednesday, 24.1.2024 at 6 pm Artist talk
Sunday, 25.2.2024 at 3 pm Finissage and curator tour
Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Hohenzollerndamm 176
10713 Berlin
030 | 90 29 16704
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday 10-17 h
Wednesday 10-19 h
Saturday, Sunday 11am to 5pm
Closed from 23.12.2023 to 2.1.2024
Free admission